Astronomical facts about Coronar

The actual location of Coronar in time and space relative to Earth remains mysterious. Nevertheless there are a few things we can say about the planet.

Coronar’s sun or home star is called Halli. It is approximately the same size as our sun (roughly 1.02 solar masses) – very slightly larger, hotter and bluer. Its orbital period is approximately 380 Earth days.

The solar day on Coronar is about 24 hours and 46 minutes long.

Coronar has two natural satellites. The larger, Kanni, is about 0.6 times the mass of Earth’s moon, with an orbital period of roughly 17.8 days. It orbits quite close to Coronar’s ecliptic, so eclipses are more common than on Earth.

The smaller, Belli, is about half the size and twice as far away, with an orbital period of 35.6 days. Its orbit is slightly more inclined.

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